Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Since 2009 I have offered my studio gallery/zendo to artists/writers to present their work to friends and community. The show is only up for one evening, typically 2 hours.
The space is called the Anne Cooper Occasional Gallery (aka ACOG).

This year (2017) we  have had  3 exhibits and are planning a fourth in October. 


Sue Hettmansperger, Guggenheim award winning painter, exhibited small collages in mid July. Sue teaches art at the University of Iowa, in Iowa City. 

In Sue's words: “Walking the line between abstraction and representation, this imagery references botany, digital distortion, the human body and manufactured packaging while collapsing their boundaries.” 


Terri Lindbloom, art faculty at FSU in Tallahassee Florida, set up an installation consisting of a 10' diameter steel ring, lit wax taper and hypnotic video loop of a woman spinning to a surreal sound track. The mesmerizing installation is called Every Breathe a Prayer. Terri's website:


In Jim Burbank and Jane Sprague's show, Hinterlands, beyond the known, we exhibited the beautifully manipulated and painted photographs of Jane Sprague, and photographs of poet Jim Burbank accompanied by both his elegant prose and poetry.