Sunday, September 30, 2018

Fight your shame
throw out your pride and learn all you can
from others.
this is the basis of a successful life.

 (written as a guide for the student of tea- all of us really)

early morning light Placitas Open Space

Sunday, September 23, 2018

That which blossoms
falls, the way of all flesh
in this world of flowers.

sakeba chiru
mi no yukusue ya
hama sekai

zen monk death poem

Sunday, September 16, 2018

To depart while seated or standing is all one.
All I shall leave behind me
Is a heap of bones...

Koho Kennichi

Zen death poem

Tarryall Mountains, Colorado... view over the bones

bound heavenward,
ship of the moon.

Tsumimono ya
nakute jodo e
tsuki no fune

Zen death poem

Colorado Rocky Mountain sky

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Bro and Tracy Spay and Neuter Project had its first official trial run this weekend.
Bro and Tracy is an animal rescue organization in the Albuquerque area. They recently inherited enough money to put together a spay and neuter mobile clinic. They will take the van to outlying communities in the area, ones that have poor access to vet care and offer affordable spay and neuter surgeries. The horrendous and heartbreaking problem of unwanted dogs and cats can only be met this way... offer services that are convenient to those in need.

My Occasional Gallery (ACOG) is planning an art fundraiser this December to help support this effort.

Please contact me through my website if you have questions or want to help out.

Bro and Tracy Spay and Neuter Project in action, Pine Hill, NM

Teach us to walk the soft Earth as relatives
to all that live.

Sioux prayer

Clio, my favorite donkey